Friday, September 12, 2014

Tribute to the Troops

Today, the day after 9/11, I thought I would give a shout out to the troops. I am doing this because these are the people fighting for your safety and mine every day in places that I would never want to be in and in situations that I would never wouldn't to deal with myself. I don’t know if you have been shot at before but I for one will never want to be. They will give there lives for millions of people that they do not even know without even blinking an eye. They will be put into situations that risk there lives and not even argue with the people giving them their orders.

Not everyone supports the troops that are fighting over seas, and I for one have always been a fan of the saying if you do not have the back of the soldiers fighting for you then feel free to go stand in front of them. I believe that even if you do not agree with the war that they are fighting you should at least back the people that are willing to go over and fight it for you. These are the people that sacrifice so much so you can live a normal life in the land of the free and home of the brave, and they are the people that give this country that name.  I know that some of you will not agree with what I am saying, and you are against everything that has to do with our military but just think, without our military you would probably be speaking German, there would be more attacks like 9/11, and you would not have the freedom to do normal day to day things that you do every day. 

I am not strictly speaking of the US military but militaries all over the world that fight for the rights of that country to remain the way it is. Now some countries do not like others, just like some people do not like others, but that is normal. Not everyone will like each other and never will. We will never have peace through out the world and that is because everyone is different. People with differences tend to not like each other. However I am not going to be the person who says my way of thinking is better then anyone else’s. I am also not going to be the person who says my military is better than anyone else's for the fact that it is still debated between the big three militaries whose will win against each other. 

I love my country, and I am sure that most of you love your country too. I would not trade my country for any other. I know that the US has it’s problems but I would like you to show me a country that doesn’t. Yes we have our flaws, but I love the world that I live in, and I would not want to live anywhere else. If you do not love your country, the great thing is you are able to move anywhere you want at any time you want. So if you do not love where you live do us all a favor and leave.

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