Monday, September 8, 2014

More on Weapons.

So I had one of my twitter followers give me a few suggestions about some helpful hints for what weapons you should have for a post apocalyptic world. So I figured I would share with you all what he had to tell me. To begin with he talked to me about the lack of knock down power of the 9mm compared to other rounds. This is a pretty commonly known fact, I just didn't think about it at the time of writing the post. There are many other rounds that pack a bigger punch including .45 acp or .40 S&W to name a few. There are many different types of hand guns that shoot these calibers, some very well known names. However I would not recommend buying a gun just because of the name of the maker, I would buy it because of how it feels in your hands and how you handle it when shooting.

7.62 on the left, 5.56 in the middle, 9mm on the right
The next thing that he brought up to me was the fact that if you are carrying the same caliber as the military uses you will have a better chance of finding more supplies in the post apocalyptic world. However this is where it is on you to know what kind of weapons your countries military uses. This could be different for each military, the Russian military uses 7.62x39, the US military uses many different kinds including both the .308 and 5.56 Nato rounds. The .308 is much more powerful then the 5.56, however the 5.56 is much cheaper, and that is why it is becoming more common in todays militaries. 

These are just a few updates, food for thought. The best preppers are the ones who think ahead, and some of the problems that I just set out for you will not be thought of by everyone. A lot of people will run out of ammo and not be able to find anymore that will fit his weapon. A gun without ammo is useless, unless you want to use it as a club. But what is the point of that when you could just use a big log as a club. These were some points that were brought up to me by a follower, so if you have any ideas that you think I got wrong feel free to message me and we will talk about it, and if you have a good point I will have another post just for you. 

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