Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Preparing For A Zombie Apocalypse

Movies and shows such as The Walking Dead, Zombieland, and World War Z have created a new craze that has taken over many peoples thoughts throughout the world. Many people have begun to think that a zombie apocalypse is not just possible, but will happen within the next few years. There are many thoughts of how this apocalypse will come about, my belief being that it will be a virus that will spread from one person to the next. However with the movies coming out, there are a variety zombies that you will see, such as the slow ones in The Walking Dead and Zombieland, or the extremely quick and much scarier zombies from World War Z. Now for what will really happen is unknown, and there is only one way to find out.

 In this post I will go through the 5 worst places you could go during a zombie apocalypse. There are contradicting views out there as to where to go to survive. There are also many views as where you should not go during it, and I will list the ones that I will be avoiding if the zombie apocalypse does happen.

  1. Grocery Stores. Most people would think that this would be a great place to go during the beginning of the apocalypse because of the fact that there is a large amount of food and other items you can use to stock up on before you get out of dodge. However, if you have this thought, then there will be other people who have the same exact idea as you. The grocery store, in my belief, will be the worst place to be during the apocalypse because of the fact that there will be so many people trying to get the same food you are, and some will not be afraid to kill you for the food in your hands. The large amount of people will also heighten the odds that there is at least one infected person in the store. There is  also the large amount of noise that will be made, in all movies zombies are attracted to noise, and this will be like the dinner bell you see in old country homes. The chaos that would come if there was at least one zombie around would create havoc in the store, which will make the situation even more dangerous for you and the people you are with. And for these reasons I believe that this is the number one place that you want to avoid during this event.
  2. A Hospital. You would think that this one would be a little obvious. Hospitals will be the location that the earliest infected will go to be treated, also people from accidents that have happened during the outbreak will also go there. This just adds up to a location where the likelihood of a large amount of infected people will gather is extremely large. Add the fact that you will likely only go to a hospital for an injury that you have suffered will make you weak and more likely to not survive an attempt to escape from a pack of zombies. All this added together makes this my second worst place to be.
  3. A Mall. There are movies that would incline people to believe that surviving in a mall is a logical belief. However for many facts, I believe this to be false. People believe that they will find a lot of food and equipment to which they could just hold up in the mall and wait for help to arrive. However the odds of help arriving is very minimal, and like I stated about the grocery store, many people will also think of this and will head straight to the mall. There is also the fact that the all is hardly ever empty in the first place. The fact that many people will be tearing down any defense you made to attempt to get into the safety of the mall will just make it more dangerous. Making this the third worst place to go during the apocalypse.
  4. A Bar. If you have ever seen Shaun of Dead you will know that they attempted to ride out the apocalypse in a bar. You will also know that some of them actually did survive, only because of the fact that they were rescued by the military. However I think that this is a terrible way to try and survive for the fact that there will not be any major resource and bars are usually in a well populated area. Unless you have lost all hope of living and plan to go out in a drunken frenzy you should stay away from a bar.
  5. A Traffic Jam. Now this one might seem as though it is out of your control, but I believe that after seeing all of these movies you will notice that there is almost always a traffic jam scene, where it is thousands of cars with no one in site, and often a few bodies on the ground. If you are a real prepper you will already have a planned route to escape the congested area and will avoid all major roads that will likely be jammed up.  For the reasons that should be pretty obvious of why you do not want to be in a traffic jam, that is why it made my list at number 5.
Well that is my 5 worst places to be during a zombie apocalypse. If you have any other thoughts feel free to let me know. 

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