Sunday, September 14, 2014

Prepping for an Earthquake

I had a request via twitter to write about what would happen if a large earthquake hit LA. However, I thought I would make it a little more general so I will be writing about what would happen if a large earthquake hit any large city such as L.A. New York City, Paris, Tokyo, and etc.  There are many different factors that you have to take into account when thinking what would happen if a natural disaster hits your city, and really an earthquake is not much different then any other natural disaster and there are a few basic factors that will happen for both, and a few unique ones to an earthquake.

The basic factors that will stay the same is the fact that you will likely lose power, water, stores will close, and normal safety factors such as fire departments and police departments will likely not be able to help you. Some of the preps that I would make for any natural disaster is having enough food and water to last until you believe relief will come. I personally have enough food for a year and you can read about my water preps on one of my previous posts. The next factor I would have is to have a source of your own power, the biggest way I recommend is solar panels that funnel their power into a network of car batteries. That is the way I do it and it works great for me. Now the biggest factor that you should look out for is that fire departments and police departments will be to busy to help you out. There will be people looting and raping and there will be no one to stop it. This is where you come in, you have to have the ability to protect yourself and your family no matter what the cost. 

The only unique thing to earthquakes is the type of destruction that it produces. There will be fires, collapsed building, and roads will be impassable for any cars including those that are trying to provide relief to the area. The biggest thing that this means is that you should be ready to get out of the building that you are in, have multiple escape routes from where you live, and be ready to go without the help of outside sources for months if not longer. We all saw how long it took FEMA to get into New Orleans to help after Hurricane Katrina, and they knew when and where that storm would land. I believe you can expect that it would take just as long if not longer for them to show up after an earthquake especially since they will not know where and when this would happen.

Other then these few factors, if you are a prepper you will know the likelihood of something happening like this. If you believe that this will happen in your area you will know what your escape routes are and you will also prep for it. Personally where I live it is extremely unlikely that a large earthquake happens, but it is more likely that we have a large outbreak of tornadoes that will wipe out a large amount of the country side. 

So the real lesson to learn is to know where you are, the threats that surround you house. Prep your house for any natural disaster that you might think will happen. Know your escape routes. Have everything where you will be able to pack your backs and get out of dodge as quickly as possible.

Like I said before I wrote this because of a request of one of my followers, and you have any requests I would be happy to write about anything that you need to know about. Just follow me and message me on twitter at

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