Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Top Vehicles for an Apocalypse

In an apocalypse, the first thing I would be worried about is getting out of the crowded area I live in and out into the country where there are far fewer people. However this is where you can start to get into trouble when you run into traffic jams, and if you have ever watched a movie about the end, you know that a traffic jam is not a place you want to be. I have been thinking about what kind of vehicle I would choose if I had an unlimited amount of money to use, and every vehicle was available to me. These will be my top 5 choices as to what kind of vehicle I would use, and the pros and cons of each.

The Marauders Capability to go over, around, or through anything.
1.The Marauder. This vehicle is basically an armed military vehicle that is now being sold to civilians. It is completely armored, has room for more then 10 people, it has gun ports, and is completely bullet proof to small arms. This is the ultimate apocalyptic vehicle, however there are a few down falls including the price of more then $300,000. The gas milage is pitiful, which means if you are going long distances you better have extra gas. This being said, I would definitely choose this vehicle over any other for the fact of the protection that it provides. 

The Ford Raptor.
2.Ford Raptor. If you do not know what a Ford Raptor is, it is a supped up Ford F-150. It is also built mostly for being a good off road vehicle, which would benefit in the escape of a city for the fact you will be able to go around things that are blocking your way. It is also high of the ground which will help you climb over anything that is in the way. However, being a truck, it does not have the best gas milage, it is not armored, and is still on the expensive side being more then $60,000. But for that price, you will be riding the apocalypse out in style and luxury, and if I am going to die I want to be comfortable while it happens.

A Jeep Wrangler made for off roading.
3. Jeep Wrangler 4 Door. If you haven’t noticed the trend, I believe that being able to go off road will be essential in the apocalyptic world. It will benefit for the fact you can basically go where ever you want to go because of the vehicles ability. The Jeep is also probably the cheapest of all of the cars on my list when you can get one starting at under $30,000. There are not any downfalls that I can really think about this one, it gets good gas milage, it is good off road, and affordable. It did not top my list because of the protection that the Marauder gives you, and it does not have the capabilities that the Raptor has in the case that the Raptor is a truck and able to carry a large amount of equipment compared to the Jeep.
A Land Rover outfitted with off road tires.
4. Land Rover Discovery. As before this vehicle is based around being great off road. This car is so far down the list because of the price and the gas milage it gets. However this is also the most luxurious car on the list, which probably doesn’t matter to most people, but I like being comfortable so it makes my list. 

5. A motorcycle. I know this may seem random to you but I believe that a motorcycle has many benefits to it. It is small and nimble which gives you the ability to get into small places quickly, they get amazing gas milage, and you can get  around and through traffic quickly. For the price that you pay I believe that this would be a great vehicle to get if you cannot afford a car, and for that it makes it to the last spot in my list.

Well this is my list of the first five vehicles I would choose if I had the money for them. If you have any better ideals I am open to the discussion. 

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