Saturday, September 13, 2014

Biggest Threats to America

With the world today and all the threats out there I thought I would talk about the biggest threats facing the US today. I really only have two major threats with a few minor threats here and there that have always been a threat to the safety of the US. 

The biggest threat that I believe is facing the US is ISIS. Most people know that ISIS is a terrorist group based out of Iraq and Syria. However most people do not know that their influence is being spread much farther and into the borders of the United States. Most people think that we are trying to stop the huge wave of immigrants from the south border because of the Mexicans. However there are increasing worries about ISIS agents being able to slip through and many people believe that they already have. There are also many people in side the US border that have either gone and joined ISIS in the middle east, there have been cases where people have admitted guilt to the plot to join ISIS, and there have been direct threats from ISIS marking targets within the US that are on their list to be attacked. All these factors lead me to believe that ISIS is the biggest threat to the safety of Americans at home and across the world. 

The next biggest threat, which is much less of a threat then ISIS, is a war with Russia. I believe that it is inevitable that the US gets into another war with Russia. I also believe that when this happens nuclear war heads will not be used until it is obvious that one of the two is going to lose. These are the two strongest militaries in the world, and would be one hell of a war between the two where millions of people would lose there lives and it would possibly be the end of man kind as we know it.  We know that the tensions are rising between the US and Russia, and we also know that it appears Putin doesn’t care what Obama says and it is clear that Obama doesn't have the guts to back up his big talk when it comes to Russia. 

The last threat that I will be talking about is other terrorist groups through out the world. Now there are to many to name, but they all seem to have one thing in common, and that is their hatred for the US. This means that we are at the top of their list to be attacked, and they try to attack us all the time. We are lucky that there hasn't been another major attack since 9/11 but that just shows that it is possible for them to do it, and it seems like there will be another one soon. Just like ISIS, many terrorist groups have put out a list of targets that they want people to hit, which gives me the feeling that one may be coming sooner than later.

The United States is facing many threats, with a great diversity among them. We have always faced threats, some bigger then others, and I believe that some of the threats we are facing today are as big if not bigger then the ones we have faced in the past. The only thing we have to protect us is the US military and all their might. Which gives me a large amount of comfort because I have not seen a military that can go toe to toe with the US military in decades. Now some of you may be saying well Al-Qaeda fought us in Iraq and they seemed to do just fine. However Al-Qaeda is not a military and they do not fight like a normal military would. The US destroyed the Iraq military within a few weeks, and they were said to be a rather strong Army. Anyways I’ll stop rambling. The US faces threats on a daily bases, but I believe that our government is stopping and containing them very well and I fell somewhat safe. However it is always best to be prepared for everything. 

If you think that there is a bigger threat at this time feel free to tell me. I will make updates to this every once in a while because of the ever changing threats. Please follow me at

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