Sunday, September 7, 2014

Disease Outbreak

With the new outbreak of Ebola, the possibilities of a major outbreak that goes around the world is higher then it has been in years. There hasn't been a huge outbreak in hundreds of years, which gives to the thought of maybe it is time for another one to come up. The fact that there are many new diseases being found every day, we are still battling old ones, and we still have diseases locked up in labs that could easily be released give to the thoughts that it is extremely likely that there will be a major disease outbreak sometime in the future. 

Since there has not been a huge outbreak any time in the recent history there is really no telling how the rest of the world would react to an outbreak.  This makes it difficult to be able to prep against what will happen. The most logical preps that I could think of is staying away from a large population, have a gas mask so you can walk near the infected without becoming infected yourself, and be willing to protect yourself from anything that risks your life. The biggest thing you would have to worry about is keeping away from the infected, whether that be just completely avoiding them or if any get near you are you willing to kill them before they come in contact with you. The next thing would have to be are you willing to protect what you have from the people that did not prep against this and that are willing to take everything you have by force. 
The first prep that I would make is finding some where that is away from everyone. This means finding somewhere in the country, or in your home but having somewhere that would be protective against the outside, meaning a shelter, or a basement so that no one will be able to easily come in and infect you. The next would be to have your own food source and water source so that you will not be forced to venture out and risk the possibility of being infected. Once you have done that I wou

ld recommend stocking up on weapons so that you will be able to protect yourself from anything that will come between you and surviving.

The possibility of a huge outbreak of a deadly disease I believe is not very likely, and this is not my first priority when it comes to prepping. If you have some information that I am strictly overlooking feel free to let me know so we can discuss it. 

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